Western Ballet Presents
Puss in Boots
Western Ballet’s Puss in Boots is a story ballet about a tale of a tricky cat out to gain wealth and a princess for its master. Puss in Boots is no ordinary cat. He could talk, read, write, and even dance, and requests and received a pair of boots. Determined to make his master’s fortune, the cat bags a rabbit in the forest and presents it to the king as a gift from his master. The cat continues giving gifts to the king for several months, for which he is rewarded. Join us for this comic ballet perfect for families!
Performance Details
Saturday, May 14th & Sunday, May 15th at 1pm
Menlo Atherton Performing Arts Center
555 Middlefield Rd, Atherton, CA 94027
Adults – $30
Children (18 & Under) – $25